Identifying Non – Technical Skills behavioural markers in rail controller and maintenance roles

By March 3, 2024Cape Town 2023, Documents
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Non-technical skills (NTS) are “the cognitive, social, and personal resource skills that complement technical skills, and contribute to safe and efficient task performance” and have been investigated in a range of high-risk industries (Flin, 2008). Research by RSSB produced an NTS framework and an accompanying set of behavioural markers for the train driver role (RSSB, 2012). However, a rail industry consultation found that NTS integration is varied across organisations and across rail safety-critical roles, partly due to a limited understanding of what NTS look like in non-driver roles (RSSB, 2022). The objectives of the research presented was to identify and classify NTS behaviours and strategies for rail controllers and rolling stock maintenance staff, and to develop humancentred NTS materials to support the observation, development and measurement of NTS in these roles. Wider factors influencing human performance in these roles were also identified and will be discussed.

Year of Publication: 2023

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